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Taylor &Francis      

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Journal list for Publisher-   WileyBlackwell

S.No. Journal Name From To
1 Academic Emergency Medicine 1997 NULL
2 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 1997 NULL
3 Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 1997 NULL
4 Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 1997 NULL
5 Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 1997 NULL
6 Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 1997 NULL
7 Acta Crystallographica Section E 1997 NULL
8 Acta Crystallographica Section F 1997 NULL
9 Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 1997 NULL
10 Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1997 NULL
11 Acta Neuropsychiatrica 1997 NULL
12 Acta Ophthalmologica 1997 NULL
13 Acta Paediatrica 1997 NULL
14 Acta Physiologica 1997 NULL
15 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1997 NULL
16 Acta Zoologica 1997 NULL
17 Addiction 1997 NULL
18 Advanced Functional Materials 1997 NULL
19 Advanced Materials 1997 NULL
20 Advances in Polymer Technology 1997 NULL
21 African Journal of Ecology 1997 NULL
22 Aggressive Behavior 1997 NULL
23 Aging Cell 1997 NULL
24 Agricultural and Forest Entomology 1997 NULL
25 AIChE Journal 1997 NULL
26 Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 1997 NULL
27 Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 1997 NULL
28 Allergy 1997 NULL
29 American Journal of Hematology 1997 NULL
30 American Journal of Human Biology 1997 NULL
31 American Journal of Industrial Medicine 1997 NULL
32 American Journal of Medical Genetics 2010 NULL
33 American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1997 NULL
34 American Journal of Primatology 1997 NULL
35 American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 1997 NULL
36 American Journal of Transplantation 1997 NULL
37 American Journal On Addiction 2010 NULL
38 Anaesthesia 1997 NULL
39 Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 1997 NULL
40 Andrologia 1997 NULL
41 Angewandte Chemie 1997 NULL
42 Angewandte Chemie International Edition 1997 NULL
43 Animal Conservation 1997 NULL
44 Animal Genetics 1997 NULL
45 Animal Science Journal 1997 NULL
46 Annalen der Physik 1997 NULL
47 Annals of Applied Biology 1997 NULL
48 Annals of Human Genetics 1997 NULL
49 Annals of Neurology 1997 NULL
50 Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology 1997 NULL
51 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1997 NULL
52 Annual Review of Information Science & Technology 1997 NULL
53 ANZ Journal of Surgery 1997 NULL
54 APMIS 1997 NULL
55 Applied Organometallic Chemistry 1997 NULL
56 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 1997 NULL
57 Applied Vegetation Science 1997 NULL
58 Aquaculture Nutrition 1997 NULL
59 Aquaculture Research 1997 NULL
60 Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 1997 NULL
61 Archaeological Prospection 1997 NULL
62 Archiv der Pharmazie 1997 NULL
63 Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 1997 NULL
64 Arthiritis Care And Research 2010 NULL
65 Arthritis & Rheumatism 1997 NULL
66 Artificial Organs 1997 NULL
67 Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 1997 NULL
68 Astronomische Nachrichten 1997 NULL
69 Astronomy & Geophysics 1997 NULL
70 Atmospheric Science Letters 1997 NULL
71 Austral Ecology 1997 NULL
72 Australasian Journal of Dermatology 1997 NULL
73 Australasian Journal on Ageing 1997 NULL
74 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 1997 NULL
75 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997 NULL
76 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 1997 NULL
77 Australian Dental Journal 1997 NULL
78 Australian Endodontic Journal 1997 NULL
79 Australian Journal of Entomology 1997 NULL
80 Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 1997 NULL
81 Australian Journal of Rural Health 1997 NULL
82 Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 1997 NULL
83 Australian Veterinary Journal 1997 NULL
84 Autonomic & Autacoid Pharmacology 1997 NULL
85 Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 1997 NULL
86 Basin Research 1997 NULL
87 Bauphysik 1997 NULL
88 Bauregelliste A, B und C 1997 NULL
89 Bautechnik 1997 NULL
90 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 1997 NULL
91 Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 1997 NULL
92 Bioelectromagnetics 1997 NULL
93 BioEssays 1997 NULL
94 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 1997 NULL
95 Biological Reviews 1997 NULL
96 Biologie in unserer Zeit 1997 NULL
97 Biomedical Chromatography 1997 NULL
98 Biometrical Journal 1997 NULL
99 Biometrics 1997 NULL
100 Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition 1997 NULL
101 Biopolymers 1997 NULL
102 Biotechnology & Bioengineering 1997 NULL
103 Biotropica 1997 NULL
104 Bipolar Disorders 1997 NULL
105 Birth 1997 NULL
106 Birth Defects Research 2010 NULL
107 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997 NULL
108 BJU International 1997 NULL
109 Boreas 1997 NULL
110 Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 1997 NULL
111 Brain Pathology 1997 NULL
112 British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1997 NULL
113 British Journal of Dermatology 1997 NULL
114 British Journal of Haematology 1997 NULL
115 British Journal of Learning Disabilities 1997 NULL
116 British Journal of Surgery 1997 NULL
117 Bulletin of the American Society Information Science and Technology 1997 NULL
118 CA: Cancer Journal for Clinicians 1997 NULL
119 Cancer 1997 NULL
120 Cancer Cytopathology 1997 NULL
121 Cancer Science 1997 NULL
122 Cardiovascular Therapeutics 1997 NULL
123 Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 1997 NULL
124 Cell Biochemistry & Function 1997 NULL
125 Cell Proliferation 1997 NULL
126 Cellular Microbiology 1997 NULL
127 Chemical Biology & Drug Design 1997 NULL
128 Chemical Engineering & Technology 1997 NULL
129 Chemical Vapor Deposition 1997 NULL
130 Chemie in unserer Zeit 1997 NULL
131 Chemie Ingenieur Technik - CIT 1997 NULL
132 Chemistry & Biodiversity 2010 NULL
133 Chemistry & Biodiversity 1997 NULL
134 Chemistry - A European Journal 1997 NULL
136 Chemkon - Chemie konkret, forum fuer Unterricht Und Didaktik 2010 NULL
137 Child & Family Social Work 1997 NULL
138 Child: Care, Health and Development 1997 NULL
139 Chinese Journal of Chemistry 1997 NULL
140 Chirality 1997 NULL
141 Cladistics 1997 NULL
142 Clean - Soil, Air, Water 2010 NULL
143 Clinical & Experimental Allergy 1997 NULL
144 Clinical & Experimental Allergy Reviews 1997 NULL
145 Clinical & Experimental Immunology 1997 NULL
146 Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology 1997 NULL
147 Clinical Anatomy 1997 NULL
148 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 1997 NULL
149 Clinical and Experimental Optometry 1997 NULL
150 Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 1997 NULL
151 Clinical Cardiology 1997 NULL
152 Clinical Endocrinology 1997 NULL
153 Clinical Genetics 1997 NULL
154 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 1997 NULL
155 Clinical Microbiology and Infection 1997 NULL
156 Clinical Oral Implants Research 1997 NULL
157 Clinical Otolaryngology 1997 NULL
158 Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 1997 NULL
159 Clinical Teacher 1997 NULL
160 Clinical Transplantation 1997 NULL
161 CNS: Neuroscience & Therapeutics 1997 NULL
162 Color Research & Application 1997 NULL
163 Coloration Technology 1997 NULL
164 Colorectal Disease 1997 NULL
165 Communications on Pure & Applied Mathematics 1997 NULL
166 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 1997 NULL
167 Complexity 1997 NULL
168 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 1997 NULL
169 Computational Intelligence 1997 NULL
170 Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds 1997 NULL
171 Computer Applications in Engineering Education 1997 NULL
172 Computer Graphics Forum 1997 NULL
173 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 1997 NULL
174 Concept In Megnetic Resonance 2010 NULL
175 Concepts in Magnetic Resonance: Part B, Magnetic Resonance Engineering 1997 NULL
176 Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience 2010 NULL
177 Concurrency and Computation 1997 NULL
178 Congenital Anomalies 1997 NULL
179 Congestive Heart Faliure 2010 NULL
180 Conservation 1997 NULL
181 Conservation Biology 1997 NULL
182 Contact Dermatitis 1997 NULL
183 Contributions to Plasma Physics 1997 NULL
184 Crystal Research & Technology 1997 NULL
185 Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1997 NULL
186 Cytometry 2010 NULL
187 Cytopathology 1997 NULL
188 Cytoskeleton 2010 NULL
189 Dental Traumatology 1997 NULL
190 Depression and Anxiety 1997 NULL
191 Dermatologic Surgery 1997 NULL
192 Dermatologic Therapy 1997 NULL
193 Development, Growth & Differentiation 1997 NULL
194 Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 1997 NULL
195 Developmental Dynamics 1997 NULL
196 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 1997 NULL
197 Developmental Neurobiology 1997 NULL
198 Developmental Psychobiology 1997 NULL
199 Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 1997 NULL
200 Diabetes/Metabolism: Research & Reviews 1997 NULL
201 Diabetic Medicine 1997 NULL
202 Diagnostic Cytopathology 1997 NULL
203 Dialysis & Transplantation 1997 NULL
204 DIBT Mitteilungen 1997 NULL
205 Digestive Endoscopy 1997 NULL
206 Diseases of the Esophagus 1997 NULL
207 Diversity and Distributions 1997 NULL
208 Drug and Alcohol Review 1997 NULL
209 Drug Development Research 1997 NULL
210 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 1997 NULL
211 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 1997 NULL
212 Echocardiography 1997 NULL
213 Ecography 1997 NULL
214 Ecological Entomology 1997 NULL
215 Ecological Management & Restoration 1997 NULL
216 Ecology Letters 1997 NULL
217 Ecology of Freshwater Fish 1997 NULL
218 Electrical Engineering in Japan 1997 NULL
219 Electroanalysis 1997 NULL
220 Electronics & Communications in Japan 1997 NULL
221 Electrophoresis 1997 NULL
222 Emergency Medicine Australasia 1997 NULL
223 Endodontic Topics 1997 NULL
224 Engineering in Life Sciences 1997 NULL
225 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 1997 NULL
226 Entomological Research 1997 NULL
227 Entomological Science 1997 NULL
228 Enviormental Toxicology & Chemistry 2010 NULL
229 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 1997 NULL
230 Environmental Microbiology 1997 NULL
231 Environmental Microbiology Reports 1997 NULL
232 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 1997 NULL
233 Environmental Toxicology 1997 NULL
234 Environmetrics 1997 NULL
235 Epilepsia 1997 NULL
236 Epilepsy Currents 1997 NULL
237 EPPO Bulletin 1997 NULL
238 Ethology 1997 NULL
239 European Diabetes Nursing 1997 NULL
240 European Journal of Cancer Care 1997 NULL
241 European Journal of Clinical Investigation 1997 NULL
242 European Journal of Dental Education 1997 NULL
243 European Journal of Haematology 1997 NULL
244 European Journal of Immunology 1997 NULL
245 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 1997 NULL
246 European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 1997 NULL
247 European Journal of Neurology 1997 NULL
248 European Journal of Neuroscience 1997 NULL
249 European Journal of Oral Sciences 1997 NULL
250 European Journal of Organic Chemistry 1997 NULL
251 European Journal of Soil Science 1997 NULL
252 Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal 1997 NULL
253 Evolution 1997 NULL
254 Evolution & Development 1997 NULL
255 Evolutionary Anthropology 1997 NULL
256 Experimental Dermatology 1997 NULL
257 Experimental Physiology 1997 NULL
258 Experimental Techniques 1997 NULL
259 Expert Systems 1997 NULL
260 Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 1997 NULL
261 FEBS Journal 1997 NULL
262 Feddes Repertorium 1997 NULL
263 FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 1997 NULL
264 FEMS Microbiology Ecology 1997 NULL
265 FEMS Microbiology Letters 1997 NULL
266 FEMS Microbiology Reviews 1997 NULL
267 FEMS Yeast Research 1997 NULL
268 Fire & Materials 2010 NULL
269 Fish and Fisheries 1997 NULL
270 Fisheries Management and Ecology 1997 NULL
271 Fisheries Oceanography 1997 NULL
272 Flavour and Fragrance Journal 1997 NULL
273 Forest Pathology 1997 NULL
274 forschung 1997 NULL
275 Fortschritte der Physik 1997 NULL
276 Fossil Record-Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin 1997 NULL
277 Freshwater Biology 1997 NULL
278 Fuel Cells 1997 NULL
279 Functional Ecology 1997 NULL
280 Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 1997 NULL
281 Future Prescriber 1997 NULL
282 GAMM - Mitteilungen 1997 NULL
283 GCB Bioenergy 1997 NULL
284 Genes to Cells 1997 NULL
285 Genes, Brain and Behavior 1997 NULL
286 Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 1997 NULL
287 genesis 1997 NULL
288 Genetic Epidemiology 1997 NULL
289 Geoarchaeology 1997 NULL
290 Geobiology 1997 NULL
291 Geofluids 1997 NULL
292 Geological Journal 1997 NULL
293 Geology Today 1997 NULL
294 Geomechanics And Tunnelling 2010 NULL
295 Geophysical Journal International 1997 NULL
296 Geophysical Prospecting 1997 NULL
297 Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 1997 NULL
298 Geriatrics & Gerontology International 1997 NULL
299 german research 1997 NULL
300 Gerodontology 1997 NULL
301 Glia 1997 NULL
302 Global Change Biology 1997 NULL
303 Global Ecology and Biogeography 1997 NULL
304 Grass and Forage Science 1997 NULL
305 Grassland Science 1997 NULL
306 Ground Water 1997 NULL
307 Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 1997 NULL
308 Haemophilia 1997 NULL
309 Head & Neck 1997 NULL
310 Headache 1997 NULL
311 Health & Social Care in the Community 1997 NULL
312 Health Expectations 1997 NULL
313 Health Information and Libraries Journal 1997 NULL
314 Heat Transfer - Asian Research 1997 NULL
315 Helicobacter 1997 NULL
316 Helvetica Chimica Acta 1997 NULL
317 Hematological Oncology 1997 NULL
318 Hemodialysis International 1997 NULL
319 Hepatology 1997 NULL
320 Hepatology Research 1997 NULL
321 Heteroatom Chemistry 1997 NULL
322 Hippocampus 1997 NULL
323 Histopathology 1997 NULL
324 HIV Medicine 1997 NULL
325 Human Brain Mapping 1997 NULL
326 Human Cell 1997 NULL
327 Human Factor And Erogonomics In Manufacturing & Service Industries 2010 NULL
328 Human Mutation 1997 NULL
329 Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 1997 NULL
330 Hydrological Processes 1997 NULL
331 Ibis 1997 NULL
332 Imaging Decisions MRI 1997 NULL
333 Immunological Reviews 1997 NULL
334 Immunology 1997 NULL
335 Indoor Air 1997 NULL
336 Information Systems Journal 1997 NULL
337 Information Technology for Development 1997 NULL
338 Insect Conservation Diversity 1997 NULL
339 Insect Molecular Biology 1997 NULL
340 Insect Science 1997 NULL
341 Integrated Enviormental Assessment And Management 2010 NULL
342 Internal Medicine Journal 1997 NULL
343 International Endodontic Journal 1997 NULL
344 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 1997 NULL
345 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1997 NULL
346 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 1997 NULL
347 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 1997 NULL
348 International Journal of Andrology 1997 NULL
349 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 2010 NULL
350 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 1997 NULL
351 International Journal of Cancer 1997 NULL
352 International Journal of Circuit Theory & Applications 1997 NULL
353 International Journal of Climatology 1997 NULL
354 International Journal of Clinical Practice 1997 NULL
355 International Journal of Communication Systems 1997 NULL
356 International Journal of Cosmetic Science 1997 NULL
357 International Journal of Dairy Technology 1997 NULL
358 International Journal of Dental Hygiene 1997 NULL
359 International Journal of Dermatology 1997 NULL
360 International Journal of Eating Disorders 1997 NULL
361 International Journal of Energy Research 1997 NULL
362 International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 2010 NULL
363 International Journal of Experimental Pathology 1997 NULL
364 International Journal of Food Science & Technology 1997 NULL
365 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 1997 NULL
366 International Journal of Health Planning and Management 1997 NULL
367 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 1997 NULL
368 International Journal of Immunogenetics 1997 NULL
369 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1997 NULL
370 International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 1997 NULL
371 International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 1997 NULL
372 International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 1997 NULL
373 International Journal of Numerical Modelling 1997 NULL
374 International Journal of Nursing Practice 1997 NULL
375 International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications 1997 NULL
376 International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1997 NULL
377 International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 1997 NULL
378 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 1997 NULL
379 International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering 1997 NULL
380 International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 1997 NULL
381 International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control 1997 NULL
382 International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 1997 NULL
383 International Journal of Urology 1997 NULL
384 International Nursing Review 1997 NULL
385 International Review of Hydrobiology 1997 NULL
386 International Statistical Review 1997 NULL
387 International Wound Journal 1997 NULL
388 International Zoo Yearbook 1997 NULL
389 Invertebrate Biology 1997 NULL
390 Irrigation and Drainage 1997 NULL
391 ISBT Science Series 1997 NULL
392 Island Arc 1997 NULL
393 Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 1997 NULL
394 Journal of Advanced Nursing 1997 NULL
395 Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 1997 NULL
396 Journal of Anatomy 1997 NULL
397 Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 1997 NULL
398 Journal of Animal Ecology 1997 NULL
399 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 1997 NULL
400 Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 1997 NULL
401 Journal of Applied Crystallography 1997 NULL
402 Journal of Applied Ecology 1997 NULL
403 Journal of Applied Entomology 1997 NULL
404 Journal of Applied Ichthyology 1997 NULL
405 Journal of Applied Microbiology 1997 NULL
406 Journal of Applied Polymer Science 1997 NULL
407 Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 1997 NULL
408 Journal of Applied Social Psychology 1997 NULL
409 Journal of Applied Toxicology 1997 NULL
410 Journal of Avian Biology 1997 NULL
411 Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 1997 NULL
412 Journal of Biogeography 1997 NULL
413 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 1997 NULL
414 Journal of Cardiac Surgery 1997 NULL
415 Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 1997 NULL
416 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 1997 NULL
417 Journal of Cellular Physiology 1997 NULL
418 Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 1997 NULL
419 Journal of Chemometrics 1997 NULL
420 Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 1997 NULL
421 Journal of Clinical Apheresis 1997 NULL
422 Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 1997 NULL
423 Journal of Clinical Nursing 1997 NULL
424 Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1997 NULL
425 Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 1997 NULL
426 Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 1997 NULL
427 Journal of Combinatorial Designs 1997 NULL
428 Journal of Computational Chemistry 1997 NULL
429 Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 1997 NULL
430 Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 1997 NULL
431 Journal of Dermatology 1997 NULL
432 Journal of Digestive Diseases 1997 NULL
433 Journal of Ecology 1997 NULL
434 Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 1997 NULL
435 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 1997 NULL
436 Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 1997 NULL
437 Journal of Evolutionary Biology 1997 NULL
438 Journal of Field Ornithology 1997 NULL
439 Journal of Field Robotics 1997 NULL
440 Journal of Fish Biology 1997 NULL
441 Journal of Fish Diseases 1997 NULL
442 Journal of Food Biochemistry 1997 NULL
443 Journal of Food Lipids 1997 NULL
444 Journal of Food Process Engineering 1997 NULL
445 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 1997 NULL
446 Journal of Food Quality 1997 NULL
447 Journal of Food Safety 1997 NULL
448 Journal of Food Science 1997 NULL
449 Journal of Food Science Education 1997 NULL
450 Journal of Forensic Sciences 1997 NULL
451 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1997 NULL
452 Journal of Graph Theory 1997 NULL
453 Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 1997 NULL
454 Journal of Industrial Ecology 2010 NULL
455 Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1997 NULL
456 Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 1997 NULL
457 Journal of Internal Medicine 1997 NULL
458 Journal of Interventional Cardiology 1997 NULL
459 Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 1997 NULL
460 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 1997 NULL
461 Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1997 NULL
462 Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1997 NULL
463 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 1997 NULL
464 Journal of Medical Primatology 1997 NULL
465 Journal of Medical Virology 1997 NULL
466 Journal of Metamorphic Geology 1997 NULL
467 Journal of Microscopy 1997 NULL
468 Journal of Molecular Recognition 1997 NULL
469 Journal of Morphology 1997 NULL
470 Journal of Muscle Foods 1997 NULL
471 Journal of Neurochemistry 1997 NULL
472 Journal of Neuroendocrinology 1997 NULL
473 Journal of Neuroimaging 2010 NULL
474 Journal of Neuroscience Research 1997 NULL
475 Journal of Nursing Management 1997 NULL
476 Journal of Nursing Scholarship 1997 NULL
477 Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing 1997 NULL
478 Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 1997 NULL
479 Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 1997 NULL
480 Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 1997 NULL
481 Journal of Orthopaedic Research 1997 NULL
482 Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 1997 NULL
483 Journal of Peptide Science 1997 NULL
484 Journal of Periodontal Research 1997 NULL
485 Journal of Petroleum Geology 1997 NULL
486 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1997 NULL
487 Journal of Phycology 1997 NULL
488 Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 1997 NULL
489 Journal of Physiology 1997 NULL
490 Journal of Phytopathology 1997 NULL
491 Journal of Pineal Research 1997 NULL
492 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 1997 NULL
493 Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 2010 NULL
494 Journal of Polymer Science 2010 NULL
495 Journal of Prosthodontics 1997 NULL
496 Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1997 NULL
497 Journal of Public Health Dentistry 1997 NULL
498 Journal of Quaternary Science 1997 NULL
499 Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 1997 NULL
500 Journal of Research in Science Teaching 1997 NULL
501 Journal of Sensory Studies 1997 NULL
502 Journal of Separation Science 2010 NULL
503 Journal of Sleep Research 1997 NULL
504 Journal of Small Animal Practice 1997 NULL
505 Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 1997 NULL
506 Journal of Surgical Oncology 1997 NULL
507 Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 1997 NULL
508 Journal of Texture Studies 1997 NULL
509 Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 1997 NULL
510 Journal of the American Ceramic Society 1997 NULL
511 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1997 NULL
512 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 1997 NULL
513 Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1997 NULL
514 Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 1997 NULL
515 Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 1997 NULL
516 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 1997 NULL
517 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 1997 NULL
518 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 1997 NULL
519 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 1997 NULL
520 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 1997 NULL
521 Journal of Time Series Analysis 1997 NULL
522 Journal of Traumatic Stress 1997 NULL
523 Journal of Travel Medicine 1997 NULL
524 Journal of Vegetation Science 1997 NULL
525 Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 1997 NULL
526 Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1997 NULL
527 Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1997 NULL
528 Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology 1997 NULL
529 Journal of Viral Hepatitis 1997 NULL
530 Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 1997 NULL
531 Journal of Zoology 1997 NULL
532 Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 1997 NULL
533 Land Degradation & Development 1997 NULL
534 Laser Physics Letters 1997 NULL
535 Laser Technik Journal 1997 NULL
536 Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 1997 NULL
537 Lethaia 1997 NULL
538 Letters in Applied Microbiology 1997 NULL
539 Lipid Technology 1997 NULL
540 Liver International 1997 NULL
541 Liver Transplantation 1997 NULL
542 Luminescence 2010 NULL
543 Luminescence 1997 NULL
544 Macromolecular Bioscience 1997 NULL
545 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 1997 NULL
546 Macromolecular Materials & Engineering 1997 NULL
547 Macromolecular Rapid Communications 1997 NULL
548 Macromolecular Symposia 1997 NULL
549 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 1997 NULL
550 Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 1997 NULL
551 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1997 NULL
552 Mammal Review 1997 NULL
553 Marine Ecology 1997 NULL
554 Marine Mammal Science 1997 NULL
555 Mass Spectrometry Reviews 1997 NULL
556 Materials and Corrosion 1997 NULL
557 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 1997 NULL
558 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1997 NULL
559 Mathematische Nachrichten 1997 NULL
560 Mauerwerk 1997 NULL
561 Medical and Veterinary Entomology 1997 NULL
562 Medical Education 1997 NULL
563 Medicinal Research Reviews 1997 NULL
564 Meteoritics & Planetary Science 2010 NULL
565 Meteorological Applications 1997 NULL
566 Microbiology and Immunology 2010 NULL
567 Microscopy Research and Technique 1997 NULL
568 Microsurgery 1997 NULL
569 Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 1997 NULL
570 Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fuer Naturkunde in Berlin - Zoologische Reihe 1997 NULL
571 MLQ: Mathematical Logic Quarterly 1997 NULL
572 Molecular Carcinogenesis 1997 NULL
573 Molecular Ecology 1997 NULL
574 Molecular Ecology Resources 1997 NULL
575 Molecular Informatics 2010 NULL
576 Molecular Microbiology 1997 NULL
577 Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2010 NULL
578 Molecular Oral Microbiology 2010 NULL
579 Molecular Plant Pathology 1997 NULL
580 Molecular Reproduction & Development 1997 NULL
581 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1997 NULL
582 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 1997 NULL
583 Movement Disorders 1997 NULL
584 Muscle and Nerve 1997 NULL
585 Mycoses 1997 NULL
586 Naval Engineers Journal 1997 NULL
587 Naval Research Logistics: an International Journal 1997 NULL
588 Nephrology 1997 NULL
589 Networks 1997 NULL
590 Neurogastroenterology & Motility 1997 NULL
591 Neuromodulation 1997 NULL
592 Neuropathology 1997 NULL
593 Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 1997 NULL
594 Neurourology and Urodynamics 1997 NULL
595 New Phytologist 1997 NULL
596 NMR in Biomedicine 1997 NULL
597 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1997 NULL
598 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1997 NULL
599 Nursing & Health Sciences 1997 NULL
600 Nursing for Women's Health 1997 NULL
601 Nursing Forum 1997 NULL
602 Nursing in Critical Care 1997 NULL
603 Nursing Inquiry 1997 NULL
604 Nursing Philosophy 1997 NULL
605 Nutrition & Dietetics 1997 NULL
606 Nutrition Bulletin 1997 NULL
607 Nutrition Reviews 2010 NULL
608 Obesity Reviews 1997 NULL
609 Oikos 1997 NULL
610 Oil and Energy Trends 1997 NULL
611 Opthalmic and Physiological Optics 1997 NULL
612 Optimal Control Applications and Methods 1997 NULL
613 Oral Diseases 1997 NULL
614 Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research 1997 NULL
615 Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 1997 NULL
616 Paediatric Anasthesia 1997 NULL
617 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 1997 NULL
618 Pain Medicine 1997 NULL
619 Pain Practice 1997 NULL
620 Palaeontology 1997 NULL
621 Parasite Immunology 1997 NULL
622 Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 1997 NULL
623 Pathology International 1997 NULL
624 Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 1997 NULL
625 Pediatric Blood & Cancer 1997 NULL
626 Pediatric Dermatology 1997 NULL
627 Pediatric Diabetes 1997 NULL
628 Pediatric Pulmonology 1997 NULL
629 Pediatric Transplantation 1997 NULL
630 Pediatrics International 1997 NULL
631 Periodontology 2000 1997 NULL
632 Permafrost & Periglacial Processes 1997 NULL
633 Perspectives In Psychiatric Care 1997 NULL
634 Pest Management Science 1997 NULL
635 Pharmaceutical Statistics 1997 NULL
636 Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety 1997 NULL
637 Pharmazie in unserer Zeit 1997 NULL
638 Photochemistry and Photobiology 1997 NULL
639 Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine 1997 NULL
640 Phycological Research 1997 NULL
641 physica status solidi (a) applications and materials science 1997 NULL
642 physica status solidi (b) basic solid state physics 1997 NULL
643 physica status solidi (c) Current topics in solid state physics 1997 NULL
644 Physik in unserer Zeit 1997 NULL
645 Physiologia Plantarum 1997 NULL
646 Physiological Entomology 1997 NULL
647 Phytochemical Analysis 1997 NULL
648 Phytotherapy Research 1997 NULL
649 Pigment Cell & Melonoma Research 1997 NULL
650 Plant Biology 1997 NULL
651 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1997 NULL
652 Plant Breeding 1997 NULL
653 Plant Pathology 1997 NULL
654 Plant Species Biology 1997 NULL
655 Plant, Cell & Environment 1997 NULL
656 Plasma Processes and Polymers 1997 NULL
657 Polar Research 1997 NULL
658 Polymer Composites 1997 NULL
659 Polymer Engineering & Science 1997 NULL
660 Polymer International 1997 NULL
661 Polymers for Advanced Technologies 1997 NULL
662 Practical Diabetes International 1997 NULL
663 Prenatal Diagnosis 1997 NULL
664 Prescriber 1997 NULL
665 Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics 1997 NULL
666 Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science & Technology 1997 NULL
667 Process Safety Progress 1997 NULL
668 Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry 1997 NULL
669 Progress in Photovoltaics 1997 NULL
670 Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 1997 NULL
671 Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 1997 NULL
673 Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1997 NULL
674 Psycho-Oncology 1997 NULL
675 Psychogeriatrics 1997 NULL
676 Public Health Nursing 1997 NULL
677 QSAR & Combinatorial Science 1997 NULL
678 Quality & Reliability Engineering International 1997 NULL
679 Quality Assurance Journal 1997 NULL
680 Random Structures & Algorithms 1997 NULL
681 Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1997 NULL
682 Reproduction in Domestic Animals 1997 NULL
683 Research in Nursing & Health 1997 NULL
684 Resource Geology 2010 NULL
685 Respirology 1997 NULL
686 Restoration Ecology 1997 NULL
687 Reviews in Medical Virology 1997 NULL
688 River Research & Applications 1997 NULL
689 Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 1997 NULL
690 Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 1997 NULL
691 Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science In Sports 1997 NULL
692 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1997 NULL
693 Scanning 1997 NULL
694 Science Education 1997 NULL
695 Sedimentology 1997 NULL
696 Seminars In Dialysis 1997 NULL
697 Significance 1997 NULL
698 Skin Research and Technology 1997 NULL
699 Sleep and Biological Rhythms 1997 NULL
700 Software: Practice & Experience 1997 NULL
701 Soil Science & Plant Nutrition 1997 NULL
702 Soil Use and Management 1997 NULL
703 Stahlbau 1997 NULL
704 Starch 1997 NULL
705 Statistica Neerlandica 1997 NULL
706 Statistics in Medicine 1997 NULL
707 Strain 1997 NULL
708 Stress and Health 1997 NULL
709 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1997 NULL
710 Surface & Interface Analysis 1997 NULL
711 Surgical Practice 1997 NULL
712 Synapse 1997 NULL
713 Systematic Entomology 1997 NULL
714 Systems Engineering 1997 NULL
715 Teaching Statistics 1997 NULL
716 Tellus Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 1997 NULL
717 Tellus Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 1997 NULL
718 Terra Nova 1997 NULL
719 The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 2010 NULL
720 The Chemical Record 1997 NULL
721 The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2010 NULL
722 The Journal of Comparative Neurology 1997 NULL
723 Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 1997 NULL
724 Tissue Antigens 1997 NULL
725 Traffic 1997 NULL
726 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 1997 NULL
727 Transfusion 1997 NULL
728 Transfusion Medicine 1997 NULL
729 Transplant Infectious Disease 1997 NULL
730 Transplant International 1997 NULL
731 Trends in Urology Gynaecology & Sexual Health 1997 NULL
732 Tropical Medicine & International Health 1997 NULL
733 Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997 NULL
734 Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 1997 NULL
735 Value in Health 1997 NULL
736 Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 1997 NULL
737 Veterinary Clinical Pathology 1997 NULL
738 Veterinary Dermatology 1997 NULL
739 Veterinary Ophthalmology 1997 NULL
740 Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 1997 NULL
741 Veterinary Surgery 1997 NULL
742 Vox Sanguinis 1997 NULL
743 Water and Environment Journal 1997 NULL
744 Weather 1997 NULL
745 Weed Biology and Management 1997 NULL
746 Weed Research 1997 NULL
747 Wound Repair and Regeneration 1997 NULL
748 X-Ray Spectrometry 1997 NULL
749 Xenotransplantation 1997 NULL
750 Yeast 1997 NULL
751 Zoo Biology 1997 NULL
752 Zoologica Scripta 1997 NULL
753 Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 1997 NULL
754 Zoonoses and Public Health 1997 NULL